
Simple Healthy Smoothie

This is one of our favorite morning or afternoon snacks in our house.  I love that it includes greens and fruit along with almond milk for added calcium. Its an easy way to get our toddler to drink some veggies!

1 Banana
1 cup Frozen berries
1/2 cup Greens (Spinach, Kale or a mixture of greens)
2 cups (approx.) Almond milk (you can use regular milk)
*you can add a spoonful of Sorbet if wanted
We use the NutriBullet to mix ours but you can also use a blender. 

 STEP 1: Add the greens 
STEP 2: Add the banana and berries (sorbet if wanted)
STEP 3: Add the milk

STEP 4: Blend then drink!