This past week I was able to harvest a variety of vegetables from the garden. Winter Squash, Green Beans, Cucumbers, Summer Squash, Watermelon, Onions, Carrots & for the first time Sunflowers (for their edible seeds of course)!
Green Beans, Spaghetti Squash, Burgess Squash, Cucumbers & Summer Squash |
How can you tell when to harvest Winter Squash? The best way to tell is to push your nail in the squash. It won't leave a visible dent if it is ripe. You may also be able to tell when the vine starts to die and turn brown drying out (keep in mind this may also indicate that your plant has a disease, is under stress or early frost has caused this.)
Cut the squash from the vine and leave about 3 inches of the stem. Winter Squash can last in storage anywhere from a month up to 6 months (depending on the variety).
Typical Shelf Life of Winter Squash:
1-2 Months: Acorn, Delicata and Spaghetti Squash
2-3 Months: Buttercup/Butternut & Pumpkins
5-6 Months: Buttercup and Hubbard
How to harvest Winter Squash properly to last in storage:
1. Place the unwashed squash in a spot that is warm and sunny for around a week to two weeks.
(NOTE: Don't do step 1 if you have Acorn Squash- move it to a cool location right away.)
2. Store them in a room that is cool and dry with good air circulation. (Above 50 degrees F)
Watermelon ready to eat! |
We have been amazed at the Sunflowers growing in the beneficial beds in front of our garden. This is the first year that we have grown Sunflowers and they are incredibly beautiful. We grew 2 different types: Summertime Mix (more for color and cutting) and Russian Mammoth (for their edible seeds). See pictures and tips on drying Sunflower seeds below
Sunflower Summertime Mix F1
(Helianthus Annuus)
- mixture of colors
- good for mass planting and cutting gardens
-pollen free hybrid collection
-height 4'-5
Summertime Mix- beautiful red/orange color and light yellow flowers |
Russian Mammoth Sunflowers
(Girasol Mammoth Ruso)
-9'-12' tall with 10'-14' flowers
-easy to grow heirloom
-gigantic single flower heads on stalks
-dry to produce thin-shelled edible seeds
We still can't believe how tall these Sunflowers are! They are truly Mammoth in size.
Process for drying Sunflowers (indoors):
1. Harvest when wilted & some yellow petals have fallen off.
2. Leave 3 inches of stem when cutting off head of Sunflower.
3. Secure string around stem of flower.
4. Hang Sunflowers upside down in warm dry area with good ventilation.
5. Check drying Sunflowers each day & collect seeds which have fallen off.
(Seeds are dry & ready when the green part of the Sunflower is dark brown & dry).
6. Using your hand rub the top of the flower head & the seeds will come out.
7. Rinse with cold water and drain.
8. Allow to air dry for a couple of days on a towel.
(If desired you can put them on a cookie sheet & toast in oven).
9. Store or eat your Sunflower seeds!
Do not cut off Sunflower heads. Instead put them in brown paper bags and tie a string around the bottom of the stem to close the bag. Continue to check each day. When ready
cut the Sunflower off stalk leaving 10-12" of stem. Leave paper bag on flower until it is cut off so you don't loose any seeds. Continue above steps 6 through 9.
Sunflowers hanging in our garage to dry |
Sunflower on the end is about ready for us to remove seeds. |
Its now August and
the vegetables in the garden are slowing down their production. The
weather has been unusually cool during these summer months. We have really enjoyed being in the garden this spring and summer. Its going to be hard to transition to fall this year. Soon it will be time to clean up the garden and plant a cover crop for the winter. Then in late fall and early winter it will be time to plan again for next year.
I will miss the Zinnia flower arrangements in my kitchen this fall! |
More to come next week with Garden Tour #2!